Live Stronger, For Longer

Live Stronger, For Longer

Strength is a wonderful thing, a blessing no less. When you’re young, it’s an accident of timing. Something you take for granted and don’t even recognise until it ultimately starts to fade. Oh, how hindsight unceremoniously lets us know what we squandered. As we get...
Weight-Loss & Fat-Loss are NOT the Same Thing

Weight-Loss & Fat-Loss are NOT the Same Thing

Well that’s obvious, isn’t it? Or is it? Think about it for a moment: how many diets and ‘supplements’ (using the term loosely) are marketed using the term weight-loss. Why is this, do you think? Simple: it’s because they talk of rapid results and nothing else....
Are You A Food Stalker?

Are You A Food Stalker?

Are You A Food Stalker? Yes, it’s a thing. Though it’s hard to get a restraining order. A food stalker is someone for whom a certain food-stuff is something they can’t live without. Or at least they feel they can’t. They dream about it; yearn for it; have an emotional...
10 Reasons Why Change Is Easier Over-40

10 Reasons Why Change Is Easier Over-40

If you’re one of those people who buy into the myth that ‘we are who we are’: buckle-up, take a deep breath, and reconsider. Honestly, I’ve heard all the reasons for not pursuing a change for the better. The most ardent naysayers being those...

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