Who I am and What I do.

Hey! I’m Phil Griffiths (PHC, PNLP, DipHYP, L3PT) and I help women and men transform their lives by achieving new levels of health and well-being by transforming both body and mind.

My clients overcome feelings of self-doubt, hopelessness and frustration to achieve their Maximum Natural Potential – regardless of age.

More accurately, I help people to help themselves. Because, long-term success only happens when individuals gain the skill and knowledge to take ownership of all their choices.

Who I Work With.

Simply put: people who yearn for a better quality of life and want to optimise their health and fitness; before it’s too late.

My clients have had enough of fad diets, misinformation and fake products. If a lifetime of accepting conventional wisdom hasn’t gotten them to where they want to be, then they instinctively know it’s time for a different approach. 

That’s why I especially love working with the over-40s: They’ve had enough bull, and are ready to make a meaningful investment in their own future. They don’t want to waste any more time, and are highly motivated.

My Journey

Honestly, I don’t claim to be anything special.

I’m just a misfit who can’t do what he’s told, questions everything and finds it impossible to follow the crowd. I think outside the box and need to know how everything works.
At times, it annoys the hell out of people. But it’s also the reason I have a thriving business helping people to achieve the kind of transformations they’ve been dreaming of.

I’d always loved working-out. But I couldn’t believe it when I found myself, mid-forties and drifting through life. I was burned-out, unhealthy, unhappy and merely existing; wondering how many good years I had left.

Being a single parent and holding down a high-stress, dangerous job had taken its toll.

I had a massive wake-up call and gave myself the kick up the arse I desperately needed.

I couldn’t believe I’d let life grind me down. I wanted more. I was not going to give in to old age and didn’t accept it as the barrier it was considered to be.

F**k that! I was going to prove everybody wrong. And I did! Over the next few years, I changed my entire approach to life; my diet, exercise, everything.

Now in my fifties, I’m fitter, healthier and stronger than I’ve ever been. 

I don’t waste my time worrying what other people think and no longer set self-imposed limits on what I’m capable of.

Deciding to follow my passion, I left a 27 year career in the public sector to transform my part-time coaching practice into a full-time business.

 Why work with me?

Because I know how you feel. I’ve suffered the same issues as many of my clients and have an empathy born of experience.

I know exactly what it’s like to hate what you see in the mirror; hiding your body under baggy clothes and keeping your true personality from the world.

You see, growing up, I never learned how to be confident and had low self-esteem.

Suffering from severe social anxiety, I developed body dysmorphic disorder and had a dysfunctional relationship with food.


My self-limiting beliefs held me back for so long and a negative bias corrupted how I saw myself.

If any of that resonates with you, then you are in exactly the right place. Because, if I can completely transform my life, then anyone can.

In fact, if I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change a single thing. I believe that we’re not defined by our past, only by what we choose to do next.

If those experiences were what I had to go through to be who I am now, then they were worth it.

That said, I would love to save you the same frustrating process of trial and error that I went through. To streamline your journey and get you to where you want to be a lot quicker.

That’s why I do this.

My Coaching Style

I’m honest and straight to the point. I don’t really see the point in being anything else.

Experience taught me that confidence isn’t built by blowing kisses into the mirror, and in order for real change to be internalised it has to be seen as authentic and measurable.

It’s not a complicated process. However, it does takes effort and commitment.

Don’t worry, I provide plenty of motivation, support and accountability.

I basically took everything that worked for me and condensed it all into a step by step approach; a progressive framework with each week building upon the last.

Whichever way you choose to work with me, we’re going to focus on habit and behaviour change. Now, this isn’t some fake-it-til-you-make-it approach. This is going to be a genuine, authentic shift that you internalise on a deep level.

In fact, it’s the only way to ensure that real change sticks.

Consider this: people who meet me now assume I’ve always been this way. Because what they see is authentic and effortless. While I remember what life was like before, it is just a memory and has no hold over me whatsoever.

That is exactly what I want for you.

What next?

If you’re ready to make a change or want to know how we can work together: shoot me a message and we’ll have a chat.

Due to the level of 1-2-1 coaching involved in my programs, I only work with a small number of clients at any one time and operate a waiting list.

If you’re impatient to start, check out my e-book:

Creating Confidence in 28 Days: a practical step by step guide.   



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