Fit Over-40: 6 Huge Advantages

6 BIG Advantages to Getting Fit Over 40   If I had a pound for every time I’d heard the old saying “It’s all downhill after 40!”   Well, put it this way, I’d be writing this article on a yacht in the south of France.   The problem with this old trope is...
EXERCISE & AGEING: Give Up or Adapt?

EXERCISE & AGEING: Give Up or Adapt?

Should you abandon your dream just because of a number? Do not waste away. With a sense of fun, I often refer to myself as an old fart. That said, it’s also with a modicum of self-awareness. You see, I’ve now entered my sixth decade with no sign of the clock slowing...
How to Blow a Diet- by Accident!

How to Blow a Diet- by Accident!

Hidden Calories & The Importance of Accurate Tracking Don’t forget to track. Food tracking can feel like a bit of a pain. Sure, it can be repetitive and there’s a natural tendency to skip over the fine detail; overlooking some of the smaller items that we...
Are You a Fat-Burning Beast?

Are You a Fat-Burning Beast?

How to Know if You’re Fat-Adapted? Limitless energy How do you feel if you skip a meal? Cranky, weak, lethargic, full-on ‘hangry?’ Perhaps your typical day is a roller-coaster ride of peaks and troughs as your energy levels rise and wane; relative to when you last...
Is a Fear of Muscle Holding You Back?

Is a Fear of Muscle Holding You Back?

What Every Woman Really Needs to Know: Muscle & Femininity! As a Coach, one of the most common things I hear from women when they’re embarking upon a fitness journey is “I don’t want to get all big and muscley!” Ahh, if only I had a penny…….. Firstly, can we just...

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