Isn’t it true that given the chance, we’d all like to be the best we can possibly be? The healthiest, most relaxed, balanced, capable and resourceful version of ourselves?
But let me ask you this: when was the last time to made a conscious effort to strive for that goal? In fact, what would that version of yourself even look like? Do you know?
I believe that we all have the potential to unlock something really special within ourselves; something more than we may even be able to imagine right now. And it’s not a question of whether or not you deserve it, or feel worthy.
That’s not something you or anyone else gets to decide; it’s simply a constant that exists within your future, if only you’d dare to reach out for it.
The number one obstacle that holds people back is a lack of self-belief. They just can’t comprehend what life would be like if they were to live it to the Max.
Number two is not knowing where to start. But it really doesn’t have to be difficult; once you understand what it is you’re working towards.
What is Maximum Natural Potential?
In a nutshell, reaching your Maximum Natural Potential is about living your life to the very best of your ability. It’s about being the best version of yourself in every area of your life; within the scope of your personal capabilities and available resources.
Why the Natural part is so important.
It’s the most important part because it keeps you grounded. It helps you maintain a healthy perspective, both physically and mentally. This is because you retain a focus upon yourself and your own achievements, without making unrealistic comparisons with others.
Don’t get me wrong, I think it’s important to push your own boundaries, as how else will you fully know what you’re capable of? But you have to be realistic.
Never be tempted to draw comparison with a media-hyped athlete or celebrity. They are portrayed as an ‘ideal’, when the reality of them as a whole is usually less than impressive. That’s not to say you can’t learn from successful people, but bear in mind that their level of skill and opportunity is different than yours.
Keeping it Natural means that you get to push yourself as far as you can while being able to recognise when you hit your limit; without resorting to artificial means to go beyond it.
How to work towards your Max’.
To fully reach your Max, you need to achieve balance in your life. You could have the best job in the world, and neglect personal relationships; a great family life, but no time for yourself; a wonderful social circle, but limited finances.
Strive to be as fulfilled as possible by optimising every area of your life. Discard any notions of perfection and work towards a level that’s right for you. Bear in mind that some areas will be in better shape than others, and some may not be conducive to change until you’ve attended to others first. You’ll soon learn to prioritise.
Aim to be good at many things.
Who cares if you never get to be the absolute best at any one thing? Even world champions lose their titles eventually.
Instead, build your personal resources:
- Learn to listen to others, and communicate well
- Develop patience and understanding
- Build resilience in the face of adversity
- Embrace knowledge
- Gain strength in the presence of conflict
- Practice grace under pressure
- Take up a new sport or hobby
- Reach out to people you wouldn’t normally connect with.
The list is endless. In fact you’ll never know how good you are at something unless you try it, and if you don’t like something: stop.
Step outside your comfort zone.
Being the best you can possibly be means having ambition and the desire to achieve it. This is personal to you, and nothing to do with what anyone else thinks.
Perhaps you want financial security; to be the best parent/partner/sibling you can; to express yourself creatively or physically. It doesn’t matter so long as it’s important to you.
There are many ways to reach your goal, and your final path may not be the one you originally embarked upon. In other words:
your fulfilment in life may not come from anything you once held to be important.
Ambition is vital and key to driving you forward. But as long as you take a progressive approach and don’t overreach, then you’ll get to experience all the small successes along the way.
Aim high, but don’t rush to get there as this road leads to disappointment.
Continually pushing your own limits and stepping outside of your comfort zone, exposes you to many more opportunities and experiences than you’d otherwise have had. This is how we grow, don’t hold yourself back.
How do you know when you’ve reached your full potential?
When this happens, you’ll simply plateau and maintain the level you’re at. Understand that this happens to everybody. The trick at this point is to diversify, try something new, and push yourself in another area.
I guarantee you that the sum-total of your achievements will add up to something pretty damn impressive. In effect, you’re building a toolbox of skills and resources that you can draw upon at any time.
Your Personal Max.
In all honesty, you may never truly realise your absolute Maximum Natural Potential. Because, what tends to happen when you get into this way of thinking, is that you’re always setting new targets and reaching new heights; constantly diversifying and evolving.
Remember, it’s not how good you are in any one area that matters. Rather, it’s the combination of all your skills and talents, and how much of yourself you put into them. Knowing that you’re living each day to the best of your ability is the surest path to fulfilment.
When you can honestly say you’re giving everything you’ve got, then you truly are achieving your Maximum Natural Potential.
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