Phil Griffiths

Body & Mindset Coach

I’m Phil and welcome to Primal 40.

Want to look good naked? Who doesn’t?

But, let’s be honest: these days it’s about more than just looking good naked.

If the last few years have taught us anything, it’s that the MOST IMPORTANT thing we can possess is a healthy immune system.

It’s not a complicated process to achieve this and is a natural side-effect of any well-constructed lifestyle and fitness plan.

If it’s that easy, then why isn’t everybody doing it?

In a word……. LIFE. (read about my journey)

I work with men and women who’re not happy with what they see in the mirror and are ready to do what it takes to make a change. 

The majority of my clients are over-40 and frustrated with their lives, which for a variety of reasons, it isn’t going the way they planned.

Typically, they feel like they’ve had as much as they’re willing to take and are ready for a transformation. They want to lose fat, build some muscle, and have the self-confidence to take control of their life.

They feel at the end of the road, having tried countless diets and fitness fads, and gotten nowhere.

Not to mention the mixed messages about what it actually takes to be healthy in the 21st century!

That’s why I started Primal 40. It’s a place where we cut through the BS, go back to basics and get results.

Being completely honest, while I’m totally there for all my clients, I’m not going to be a good fit for everyone.

I’m a solution-focused, straight-talker who says it as it is. I want results and won’t take on anyone who isn’t ready to do the work.

That said: Once we’re on this journey together…… ……. I will be with you every step of the way!

I believe that EVERYONE is capable of making a transformation if they want it badly enough.


Change is rarely easy and usually follows a certain amount of discomfort. It’s how we grow and develop.

This is a good thing! Because it builds resilience which leads directly to a healthy level of confidence and self-esteem.

It is NEVER TOO LATE to reshape your body and redesign your life from the ground up.

I’ve spent decades figuring this stuff out, so you don’t have to:

From having Zero Confidence and suffering from Social Anxiety and Negative Body Image issues.

To having a successful career in law-enforcement – a weapons and tactics specialist trained in hostage rescue; including 16 years working in counter-terrorism.

A martial arts and self-defence instructor, specialising in conflict management and the psychological aspect of survival.

A hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner.

A personal trainer and qualified health coach, with experience in low-carb, Primal and Keto lifestyles.

In short: I transformed my life and I’d love to help you do the same.

Honestly, if I can do it, anyone can!


Contact me for more details about what I do and how we can work together.

Confidence & Self-Esteem Building

Confidence isn’t about being loud and brash or having an alpha-personality. On the contrary, it’s about setting your own standards and living life according to your personal values.    

Body Transformation

If you want to shed fat, gain control over emotional eating & have an effortless relationship with food: this is for you. Sustainable change involves behaviour change, not starvation.

1-2-1 Personal Training

With 40+ years of experience, I know exactly how to help you reach your goals. Age is not a restriction. 

How to Achieve Your Maximum Natural Potential

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