Why Insulin Levels Are So Important

Why Insulin Levels Are So Important

Insulin is considered the ‘master hormone’ for its role in facilitating the transport of nutrients and hormones to target organs and storage depots in the body. A healthy level of insulin production allows liver, muscle, and fat cells to repair, regenerate, and store...
When Fat-Loss Stalls? Try Eating More!

When Fat-Loss Stalls? Try Eating More!

No-one can continue to lose fat indefinitely. I’m sorry to burst your bubble, but it just can’t happen. Sure, you may have great results for a while; rocking that calorie-deficit and seeing the pounds fall off week after week. Until, that is, you stall! Talk about a...
Live Stronger, For Longer

Live Stronger, For Longer

Strength is a wonderful thing, a blessing no less. When you’re young, it’s an accident of timing. Something you take for granted and don’t even recognise until it ultimately starts to fade. Oh, how hindsight unceremoniously lets us know what we squandered. As we get...
Are You A Food Stalker?

Are You A Food Stalker?

Are You A Food Stalker? Yes, it’s a thing. Though it’s hard to get a restraining order. A food stalker is someone for whom a certain food-stuff is something they can’t live without. Or at least they feel they can’t. They dream about it; yearn for it; have an emotional...
Why You Should Treat Food Like a Lover

Why You Should Treat Food Like a Lover

Food will never dump you, cheat on you, or be absent when you’re down. But that doesn’t mean it won’t abuse you, take advantage of your love, or not have your best interests at heart. Like all relationships, it’s worth choosing with care in whose company we spend our...

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